Monday, January 17, 2011

January PPSA Meeting

January 12, 2011
Preparation for the Chili Open is going great! Thanks to everybody who made donations and has been helping with this event. There are still drawing tickets for the raffle available in the office. And Winter Festival tickets should be available soon. If you are able to help on the morning of the Winter Festival with the golf ball hunt, please let Laurel know at We are in need of several more volunteers, so come out and enjoy the festival!

The first meeting of the Legislature have begun. Please remember to keep contacting your Legislatures and let them know how the Pingree school benefits you and your child! We really need to be active this year as parents in this and fight to keep our autism programs!

Amy, the social worker, will be setting up a Spring conference that is to be held on March 23 & 24. Look for more information to come.

Some Important Dates:
January 17th - No school for Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 20th - Teacher Luncheon. We will be doing Chili and would greatly appreciate any donations of crockpots of Chili. We especially need vegetarian and vegan kinds of chili. Contact Michele at or Melissa at if you can help.
January 20th - Utah Symphony Concert for children with autism and their families. Go to to register for this free event.
January 28-29 - Chili Open dinner and Winter Festival at Wheeler Farm
February 3 & 4 - No school- Six month summaries

School t-shirt orders have been sent out. Please send in your order forms and money for these cute superhero shirts!
Next PPSA meeting is February 9, 2011 at 9:30 am. Hope to see you there!

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