Wednesday, January 11, 2012

PPSA Meeting January 11, 2012

Welcome to a New Year! Applications for elementary/secondary were due last week. The committee will start reviewing applications this coming Tuesday and the first round of letters will go out the end of January/beginning of February. Preschool evaluations for the 2012/2013 school year have begun. The Spring Clinic will begin the second week of February. There will more than likely be no more preschool scholarship money for people who have private pay spots for the 2012/2013 school year as the grant money we received only went for 3 years.

In Valley Mental Health News, a new CEO will be starting on February 1, 2012. He will be checking out all the programs offered by Valley Mental Health in the coming months. Also, the statue of the little boy chasing a butterfly in front of Pingree was stolen. It is estimated to be worth $24,000. An insurance claim has been filed and you can find stories about it on websited for channel 2 and channel 4.

Sara, the social worker, is planning to hold monthly parent support groups with a speaker instead of a Spring Conference. Look for more information to come in your child`s back pack.

Planning for the Chili Open is coming along wonderfully! We will be having 17 auction baskets and a live auction item of new skiis, bindings, and ski jacket. It anyone can get ski passes to add to this auction, please contact Melissa. We can also use a few more items for Baby boy, Baby girl, Golf, BYU, Coffee Lovers, and Night Out baskets. Please contact Melissa if you can add to any of these baskets. Don`t forget that there is a Winter Festival on January 28th from 9 am until 1 pm at Wheeler Farm. There will be tons of activies and games for the kids so come bring the family for $25.00 per family or $7.00 per person. There will also be a 5K run that day that you can register for online on the Chili Open website for $25.00 (includes a t-shirt). We will need volunteers to help that day with games, so if you can volunteer for any time that morning let Laurel know at Don`t forget that we are also selling raffle tickets for a raffle held that Saturday - top prize is a week in Cancun. You can get tickets in the Pingree office - $2.00 each or 6 for $10.00. Also, if you know of any last minute sponsers, let Laurel know. Remember all money we raise for this event is matched and given to Pingree for scholarships and school supplies! Thank you to every one that has put in so much effort and time so far towards this event!

The book fair went very well, and the school will be planning on another one at the end of March. Look for more info to come.

Important dates:
No school on Monday, January 16 and Monday, February 20.
Valentine`s parties will be on Tuesday, February 14 at 1:00 pm

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