Wednesday, November 14, 2012

PPSA Meeting November 14, 2012

From Dawn:  Picture retakes to be this coming Monday, November 19th.  If you want your child's picture retaken, send in their previous pictures on picture day.  If you missed picture day, please send in your money for whatever package you want on picture day.

Some of the classes will be taking a field trip to the Festival of the Trees.  Preschool classes will go on November 28 and elementary classes on November 29.  Parent chaperones will be needed.  If your child receives a permission slip for the field trip, then his/her class will be attending.

Applications for the 2013-2014 school year will be going out by December 1.  If you don't receive your application by the second week in December, please contact Dawn.  They will be due when the kids return to school after Christmas break.

The school will be having a book fair December 10-13 in the school gym.  Come support the school by purchasing some books!

Santa will be at the school on December 13

Christmas break begins on Friday, December 21 with the kids returning on Monday, January 7, 2013.

From Kristie:  Evaluations for new preschool students for the next school year will begin in January.  The clinic is almost full with evaluations continuing to fill the clinic soon.

Legislative sessions will be beginning soon, and it will be EXTREMELY important for families to head up to the Capital and fight for funding for the autism preschool this year!  We will also want to fight for continued funding of the Cason Smith Scholarship program, autism registry, and other autism programs.  Pingree will provide transportation once the schedule for the legislative sessions is known.

From Laurel:  Tiles are up on the Dr. Petersen tribute wall.  If you ordered a tile, go check it out.  You can still order tiles - the 6X6 are $100 and the 12X12 are $250.

Chili Open drawing tickets are now avaiable in the office.  They are $2.00/ticket or 6 tickets for $10.00.  All money from the sell of the tickets will come back to Pingree.  Please pick some up to sell to family and friends! 

We are collecting donations and goods for the Chili Open baskets.  The baskets will be put up for bidding the night of the Gala dinner, which is February 1, 2013.  This year there will be 20 baskets.  Some of the themes of the baskets are: Baby boy, Baby girl, Chocolate Lovers, Night Out, Family Fun, Spa, Reading, Golf, Wine, and Craft.  Please donate items if you can - all the money from the baskets come back to Pingree.  We also need help with Sponsorships which start at $350.00 and go up.  Corporate Tables go for $1500.00 for 10 people and $750 would come back to Pingree.  If you have any ideas for Sponserships, please contact Laurel Ingham at

From Sara:  There will be another parent topic meeting on December 13 at 1:30 pm.  Topic still to be announced.

From PPSA:  We would love suggestions for a Pingree t-shirt design.  Please contact Melissa if you have any suggestions.

We will be rescheduling the Family Fun Fair for sometime in January, 2013.

We really need volunteers to help with parking for the last Utes game on Saturday, November 17 from 3-8 pm.  Please contact Melissa if you can help.  This is a big fundraiser for the PPSA, so please help if you can.

We will be having the next teacher luncheon on December 13.  It will be a potatoe bar and we need families to donate toppings for baked potatoes.  Some examples would be cheese, chili, sour cream, broccoli, onions, chives, butter, diffferent types of beans.  Contact Melissa if you can donate something.

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