They are ready to be ordered! I am so excited about these shirts and the design. I can take no credit for it. Cheryl Smith, a parent who hopefully doesn't mind being mentioned did a great job helping us design and get this all set up and figured out.
I did make a few big typos on the order form that went out to parents yesterday. I apologize for that. I have updated the new order form and so you can download it by clicking, download here. You can also still use the old form but you will notice I left off Adult Large, andYouth X-Small as an option so if you want those, be sure to write them in. You can turn the money into the office and we accept cash or check. You can also email the order forms at but I won't order them until we also have the money turned in to me (Kathryn Jenkins) or the office. I NEED ALL MONEY and ORDER FORMS TURNED IN BY NOVEMBER 26th, 2014. These will be in right before the holiday season and so that is the latest I have order forms turned in by.
A lot of you are probably curious about sizing for the kids shirts. I have attached some sizing info to help. The kids shirt color with be in Jade and The adults shirt will be in Teal. They didn't have the Jade color for the Adults shirts and we decided to do them different so that the kids and adults stand out. Both are great colors.