Thursday, September 9, 2010

PPSA Meeting Minutes for September 8th, 2010

News from Dawn & Kristie: 70 students, including 10 students at Pingree did not receive the Carson Smith scholarship because of lack of funds. Parents are highly encouraged to be heavily involved in the Legislature this year by going to the Capital and contacting your representatives so we don`t lose further funding. We also need to really push for Preschool services this year since they have cut funding the past 2 years and will affect the Pingree preschool program if further cuts are made. Please advocate for funding for your child!

Applications for next school year will be going out by the end of October, and will need to be returned by December 1, 2010.

Elementary parents are expected to do 3 hours of volunteer time in the classroom. If you attend the PPSA meeting, that counts as 1 hour of time for that week. Preschool parents are encouraged to volunteer too, and can sign in their hours outside their child`s classroom. Elementary parents should record their hours in the office.

The school year will end on June 29th, 2011 with a 3 week summer program offered in July for $1000.00 or it is also covered by Medicare. There will be no more end of year slide show presentation because of HIPA violations, but there will be some kind of end of year program.

News from Amy (Social Worker): Parent Conference to be held on November 8-9, 2010. If you have any suggestions as to what you would like presented, please contact her.

There will be a fall sibling camp, dates to come.

A morning parent group that meets twice a month to discuss concerns/issues with our kids will be coming soon too!

News from Laurel: It is time to start thinking about the Chili Open! We will be having 17 baskets and 1 silent auction item this year. Themes for baskets to come next month. Sponserships will start at $350, and go up from there if you know of any businesses that would like to be a sponser. The Gala dinner and silent auctions will be January 28, 2011, and Golfing and Winter Festival will be January 29, 2011. Chili Open Raffle tickets are already available at $2.00/ticket or 6 tickets for $10.00. Check with Liz in the office to get raffle tickets. Remember, all the money raised from the Chili Open comes back to Pingree for scholarships for our kids and classroom supplies. Please contact Laurel at if you can help with sponserships.

Other News:
*Parking this past Thursday was a great success! We made $2080.00! Thanks for all who helped, especially Kathy Mills for organizing all the parking events. The next Utes game is this coming Saturday, September 11th, and the following one is Saturday, September 25, 2010. If you can help for a couple of hours, please contact Kathy at

*Sahara Cares Autism Carnival is this Saturday, September 11th at Wheeler Farm from 11-2. It is a free event. You must register at

*Teacher Luncheon will be September 16th. We will be doing a salad bar. If you can help set up, clean up, or send items in for the salad bar, please contact Michele at or 801-397-1219.

*There will be training for staff and parents on the DynaVox V and VMax augmentative communication devices in the upstairs conference room at 2:30 pm on Wednesday, September 15th, Thursday, September 16, and Thursday, September 23rd.

*Family Fun Fair will be sometime in October. More information on date and time to come!

The next PPSA meeting will be October 13th, 2010 at 9:30 am in the upstairs conference room. Hope to see you there and thanks for getting involved!

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