Thursday, November 12, 2009

November PPSA Meeting

PPSA November 10th, 2009 minutes:

November 24th, 2009 will be a half day of school. School will be closing at noon, so make sure to pick up your child on time! A bus schedule was sent home last week in your child's backpack. The stops will be as follows:

Bus 1:
Church East Parking Lot 12:15 pm
Parkway Park 12:30 pm
Steiner Aquatic 12:45 pm

Bus 2
Market Place 12:20 pm
K-Mart 12:35 pm
Rodeo Market 12:50 pm

Bus 3
Southtowne Mall 12:20 pm
Audrey's 12:35 pm
Wasatch Blvd 12:45 pm
Parleys Point 12:55 pm

* Picture retakes will be on November 19th, 2009
* Parent Conference is November 18th and 19th. We need more parents to sign up! The deadline for the form has been extended until Friday for the same price. It will cost $5.00 more if you just show up at the door on conference day. Get your forms in!
* Applications for the elementary program have been sent out. If you have not received your, you can pick one up in the office or contact Dawn Armstrong. The application is due on December 1st, 2009 and the selection committee will be meeting on December 10th, 2009. Make sure to get your applications in on time!
* A sensory wall that was donated from the West Jordan Park systems has been donated to the school and will be placed on the play ground on November 19th!
* Santa will be visiting the Pingree classrooms on December 10th between 10:00 am until about 12:30 PM.
* The Pingree holiday program will be on December 17th, with more details to come!
* Applications for scholarships for private pay preschool students will be going out in April.
* The Pingree Holiday Boutique will be happening on December 2nd, from 3-7 pm in the gym. We have the following signed up: Pampered Chef, Mary Kay, Usborne Books, 3 craft booths, Scentcy, Fleurish Beauty & Discovery Toys. You still have time to sign up if you would like to purchase a booth for $50.00!
* There is still Happenings Books available for $20.00 a book. They make a great gift! Pick one up in the office today!
* Look for details on a Dominoes Pizza fundraiser in your child's backpack next week.

Chili Open:
We still need help with the Chili Open. It is one of the biggest fundraisers for the school and we need lots of help. We will be having the following baskets and if you can donate any items, please bring them to the school:
Baby Boy, Baby Girl, Night Out on the Town, Games, Dream Car, U of U, BYU, Coffee Lovers, Golfers Dream, Spa Days, Quilting, Children's Books, Hardare, Family Fun, Chocolate Fantasy, Karate, Everything Woman, Everything Man, Utah Jazz, Cat Lover's, Dog Lover's.
We need the items by January 14th, 2010
Also, tickets are still available for the Chili Open drawing, $2.00 each or 6 for $10.00. Please pick some up to sell today as the proceeds come right back to the school!

* We still need help parking cars for the Utes game on November 21st, 2009 from about 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. If you can help, please contact Kathy at

Other News:
* The Pingree staff will nut be cut! Hurray! Also, the elementary will expand by one classroom since the after school program in the building will be moving out.
* Thank you for all the letters and pictures for the Stavros Nichoras Foundation and keep sending in more. They are giving the school $80,000 per year and we need to send thank you letters quarterly.
* Keep contacting your legislature about services! We will need parents to head up to the legislature to fight for preschool funding, autism registry, and medicare! A phone tree will be created to help parents know when we need parents there. Please contact your legislature and make your presence know at the legislature to help keep our services for our kids!

Next PPSA meeting is December 8th, 2009 at 9:30 am. See you there!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for starting a blog. This form of communication is much easier for me to keep up with what is going on at the school. Thanks for helping me stay connected and informed as this is our first year involved with the school. Great job PPSA!
