Wednesday, September 11, 2013

PPSA Meeting September 11, 2013

Welcome back to school!  Hopefully everyone is getting settled into their new routines and classrooms.  Another year is starting for the PPSA too, and we would really appreciate any parents that can to get involved with us and the school.

From Dawn:  The school is currently looking for a new director of the Pingree program.  Hopefully the decision will be made by early October.
There are currently a few open spots in lower elementary classes that should be filled over the next couple of months.  Preschool will also be looking to fill a few spots that are available. 
Pingree is currently going through an accreditation process through the school district.  The school is also going through a certification process that would allow the school to bill insurance under mental and physical health.
The school is currently looking to hire one more bus driver and a new speech therapist (Gini decided to return to Granite school district).  We should also be getting a new bus some time in October!
Applications for the 2014-2015 school year will go out in November and be due at the first of the year.

News from PPSA:  We are in need on a few volunteers for this Saturdays Utah game to park cars.  We need people from 2-11 pm.  If you can help during any of this time, please contact Melissa Christensen or Liz in the office.  This is our biggest fundraiser for the school which helps us to provide the teachers with luncheons, school supplies, and do teacher appreciation week.  There are only 5 home games left, so please voulnteer if you can help!

We are looking into doing our Back to School/Family Fun Fair on Saturday October 5 or October 19.  More details to come!

Our first teacher luncheon will be Thursday, October 24.  Look for more information to come.

We are going to start collecting donations for the Chili Open baskets now.  If you have any family or business contacts that can donate to a basket let Melissa C. or Liz know.  We have to do 17 different themed baskets that will be auctioned off to raise money for the school.  You can find more information on the Chili Open at the Sugar House Rotarian web page.

We will be selling Happenings books again this year.  Look for information to come home in your child's backpack.

We will also be trying a new fundraiser this year called Shoparoo.  It is a mobile app that turns receipts into instant cash for our school.  You can get the app at the App Store for free.  More information will come home in your child's back pack or you can contact Jill Cimmers at with any questions.  Please use the following link the first time for more money to come to our school:

Thanks to all the parents for everything that you do!

The next PPSA meeting will be October 9 at 9:30 am in the upstairs conference room.  Hope to see you there!

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